Practice Aids

Rehearsal files

A number of websites provide rehearsal aids to help you practise your part.  Below are some free or reasonably priced ones.  You can bookmark them / add to favourites (or download in the case of John Fletcher), to avoid having to come back here each time.


Handel's Solomon is not available on Cyberbass (only mentioned here to save you searching!)

John Fletcher Music

Click here for Handel's Solomon on John Fletcher Music (FREE - out of copyright)

From the link above, click on 'Click here for the sound files', then the movement name, and then the mp3 file for your part.  (On a computer you can also right click on the mp3 file and download it, so that next time you can just click on the file on your computer.)

Best for: downloading files so you can play them offline, load them onto a phone/mp3 player, or write them to a CD.  (You can also play them online but it's fiddly to navigate to the files each time.)

The files are now stored on an unwieldy site called Dropbox; ignore all offers to try/join/signup/copy to Dropbox as you don't need to.  Also ignore files ending in .sib, .mid or .mxl - you only need the files ending in .mp3

Many of the more popular works have rehearsal aids (and performances) on Youtube. Use your preferred search engine to search for the name of the piece + rehearsal aids + youtube to find one that you like e.g. search for: handel solomon rehearsal aids youtube